The Lazy One

CRank: 5Score: 54300

Microsoft is donating a lot. This was just another thing they were doing on top of it. People did it for Katrina too. People do it every day for other charities. Has nobody else seen the pink cancer themed goods where all profits go to the abcf.

here's the flat donation they are giving:
http://seattletimes.nwsourc... <...

4939d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

AFter it goes gold it could be any number of people that work at the manufacturer too.

4968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"But....but....but....Ge oHotz SAID he only did it for homebrew and to bring back Linux. He SWEARS it's not for piracy. So this OBVIOUSLY can't be true. Because that would mean GeoHotz and all the other hacker scum theives are lying. Pirates and theives would NEVER lie....would they? No....of COURSE not........"

leaking an iso has nothing to do with opening the system. It could have been leaked if the PS3 was never cracked at all.

4968d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You may as well ask if you buy a game why should you be forced to play with people who have also. What about people who are borrowing it from friends or rent or got it for free legally?

not pro-piracy or hacking, but that's just a poor argument.

4972d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Sorry there was a disconnect between my brain and the meaning of sequel. I read it as remakes.

My bad.

4972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"That's EXACTLY why I said it.

PS3 HAD a PERFECT security, and suddenly they make a rookie-error with the updated PS3, completely compromising that perfect security, and it's all out in the open, hacked VERY easily. "

The same problem they exploited to get the root key exists in the original PS3. It has nothing to do with any update, it just has to do with people actually having the time and motive to find exploit.

4972d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

the 3DS is backwards compatible with DS games. Why would they need to make sequels for games that already work on the system?

4973d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Radiosity is a huge thing for gaming. Whether or not anyone might like to think so.

Almost every game to date uses an excessive amount of lights or baked lighting to simulate lighting bouncing around the scene.

Radiosity allows artists to place lights where they are actually supposed to be and have the scene lit accurately. It will also have a huge impact on how a game feels given that the radiosity works on animated lights which is HUGE.


4975d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't see how it could be any better o.O

Unless they jump to 60 fps, which isn't really realistic if they have it locked at 30.

0 screan tearing, 0 frames dropped, 30 fps.

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"Crysis 2 uses a deferred renderer too. Deferred rendering just means that you can have a lot more light sources in a scene than a forward rendered game."

that's not what differed rendering is.

It just has to do with the order in which things are rendered.

You are thinking of baked...

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It all depends on the price, which we probably won't know till E3.

Price is going to be a much bigger factor than performance between the 3DS and the NGP.

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


no it isn't. It draws about 15% fewer triangles max, but it supports other effects that aren't available on the PSP.

The 3DS' two ARM processors are way more powerful than the PSP's CPU.

The 3DS is no doubt less powerful than the NGP, but you have to compare a whole system vs a whole system to get an accurate picture of any percentage of power.

One could just as easily argue that the 3DS is twice as po...

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

one note. A lot of the rendering stuff that needs to be done can be done for both frames before rendering either. So you do have to render 2 frames, but you probably only need 1.25-1.5 times operations to do so.

4975d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it works similarly to how those little rigged hologram cards you see sometimes work. It obstructs the image on the horizontal for one eye so that only the eye that is supposed to see that image sees it. It makes sense that it wouldn't work when you tilt it with that in mind.

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"They cut on the wrong end. They thought they could make cheaper (and the probably though a better) game by cutting off R&D."
how do you figure they cut R&D?

"This is a fundamental misunderstanding how game development works. Video games are no movies. If you want to do something extraordinary, techonlogy is involved. Otherwise it becomes a run off the mill cheat B class game. And this is exactly what happened to Enslaved."

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"i actually think enslaved was unintentionally advertised. and advertised very well.... "

the other 99% of the people who buy games don't read video game news.

4975d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"Sony fanboys supported Heavenly Sword because it was exclusive. We gave Ninja Theory 1.7 mil sales because they gave us an exclusive. Then they turned around and spat in our faces. So we didn't support Enslaved."

That's pretty petty.

They "spat in your faces" by making a multi-platform game? They made a good game, and it just didn't sell well. NT is a fine developer, and they'll continue to make solid games regardless of ...

4975d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I would get an NGP day one if it didn't have so much extra stuff in it. I am aware that 3G won't come in all of them, but things like gyros, GPS, rear touch pannel, etc are all things that have to be in each system or they risk fragmenting their market for games.

They should have stuck with front panel touch, single camera, dual analogue, wifi, and maybe put some sort of more trigger like button on the bottom in place of the rear touch panel.

All the ...

4979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's an editorial/opinion piece. What's the point of it if it's not an opinion?

4979d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

why would EA NOT publish for any device? It's EA.

It would be news if they weren't developing for it, but hearing that the third largest game publisher in the world will develop games for one of the three largest video game device manufacturers is hardly noteworthy (it would be equally uninteresting if they were in talks to develop for microsoft or nintendo.)

4981d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment